Promouvoir un environnement sain débarrassé de toute ordure dans la commune de Léo, province de la Sissili, région du Centre-Ouest au Burkina Faso.

Thank you so much for visiting my page, something I never thought I would be setting up. Having fought stage IV cancer for almost two years, I have ran out of options which makes my diagnosis terminal and we desperately need help to raise money for potentially life-saving drugs,

Sensibilisation des VSLA sur les droits et devoirs de la femme et de la jeune fille dans la société à travers des émissions radiophoniques, des théâtres forums.

Thank you so much for visiting my page, something I never thought I would be setting up. Having fought stage IV cancer for almost two years, I have ran out of options which makes my diagnosis terminal and we desperately need help to raise money for potentially life-saving drugs,

Amener la jeunesse à une autonomisation économique et sociale à travers le renforcement des capacités et la mécanisation dans le maraichage autour du barrage.

Thank you so much for visiting my page, something I never thought I would be setting up. Having fought stage IV cancer for almost two years, I have ran out of options which makes my diagnosis terminal and we desperately need help to raise money for potentially life-saving drugs,